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How we use your information

Here at PMc Powder Coating we take your privacy very seriously. We will only ever use your information to provide services to you that you have requested and give you information regarding services and products available. Any personal information we hold will only ever be used by PMc Powder Coating and it is safely stored within the CRM system. We require your personal information to ensure we offer you the correct support for your service and products requested.

We will never share your information with anyone else, it is confidential. From time to time we would like to contact you to send you details of offers or new products and services or about events you may be interested in. We will also send you text and email confirmations and reminders and information about your products and possibly any aftercare advice.

We are required by law to keep your basic personal data for a minimum of six years after which time it will be destroyed. If at any point you think the information we hold about you is incorrect you have the right to request to see this information and have it corrected or deleted

What do we mean by “Your Personal Data

Your Personal Data means any information that describes or relates to your personal circumstances. Your personal data may identify you directly, for example your name, address and date of birth. Your Personal Data may also identify you indirectly, for example, your business or purcahse history, or any other information that could be associated with your cultural or social identity.

If you do not wish to receive information from us, then please: Click the unsubscribe box when receiving emails from us or email us at and we will adjust your preferences. At each visit to PMc Powder Coating you will be asked about your preferences with regarding how you would like to be contacted and you will be asked to sign a consent form.


“Cookies” may be used by us to provide you with, for example, customised information from our web site. A cookie is an element of data that a web site can send to your browser, which may then store it on your system. For example, cookies allow us to understand the pages and advertisements you visit, to determine how frequently particular pages are visited and to determine the most popular areas of our web site. If you wish, you can usually adjust your browser so that your computer does not accept cookies. Alternatively, you can adjust your browser to tell you when a website tries to put a cookie on your computer. How you adjust your browser to stop it accepting cookies or to notify you of them, will depend on the type of internet browser programme your computer uses.

Please remember, cookies do not contain confidential information such as your home address, telephone number or credit card details. We do not exchange cookies with any third-party websites or external data suppliers.

Your rights in relation to Your Personal Data

You can: